Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Welcome New Daggerites!

Activities Fair has ended, and with the fair has come many new people on the listserv! For this week's meeting, we've decided on playing co-operative games like Space Alert and Pandemic to promote that friendly atmosphere! Of course for those of us that are a little more... evil, we are bringing along traitor games, like Betrayal at the House on the Hill and Shadow Hunters. Finally, seeing as there was quite a bit of interest shown during the fair, Settlers of Catan and Caracassonne will be making guest appearances.

I'll see you guys Thursday!


  1. when is the video game tournament this year?

    1. The date on the charity tournament hasn't been set this year, but we will be most likely holding smaller game tournaments or friendly scrims or whatnot.

  2. As of this writing, we are less than a week away from Activision and Treyarch’s love child turning a month old. This is a celebratory moment and all should rejoice, especially given that Black Ops 2 recently broke the $1 billion mark in sales, right? Guys? Anyone? Okay, so maybe our latest Call of Duty fix is well, broken a bit. However, it is not without it’s strong points as well. online poker real money
