Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Vidya Games! & things

The Murder in the Dark turnout was far greater than I had expected. It was fun playing with everyone, and learning who the ninjas were! That 7 person kill story will be told for years: at least the three more I have.

Anyways, this Thursday we will be having fun staring at shiny screens and pushing buttons, or clicking mice. The Wii and Xbox 360 will be appearifying at the meeting, and I believe Super Smash Bros. Brawl was the most requested item. Any other not-video game items can be brought at request!

In other, other news, I've been itching to do a Nerf event, and I wonder what people, or the people who check this blog, would think about it.

Hope to see everyone soon!

1 comment:

  1. As of this writing, we are less than a week away from Activision and Treyarch’s love child turning a month old. This is a celebratory moment and all should rejoice, especially given that Black Ops 2 recently broke the $1 billion mark in sales, right? Guys? Anyone? Okay, so maybe our latest Call of Duty fix is well, broken a bit. However, it is not without it’s strong points as well. cash games online poker strategy
