Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Come see ALL THE FANTASY THEMED GAMES EVER!!! Or as many as we find and bring. Last week was pretty interesting, since I never realized how many Magic players we have that came out of the woodworks. It was fun playing with everyone, and especially fun going back in time to kill Hitler. Everyone should try out Chrononauts if you haven't already.

Anyways, onto business. Next week we will either be holding a one-shot RPG night or Nerf Wars.

One-Shot RPG Night:

We can run a short module of well-established table-tops like D&D (we have access to 4e, if you want 3.5e you can volunteer to DM or send us the rulebooks) or Pathfinder, maybe GURPS. We also have games more heavy on storytelling like Fiasco... and Fiasco... We also have Gamma World, which is D&D 4e only your character will die and you will randomly generate them all.

Nerf Wars!

We get a room in Soc. Psych. Then we take over the whole building like in Murder in the Dark and shoot Nerf guns at each other in CTF or DM style games. We have tons of Nerf guns, but feel free to bring your own if this happens.

That's about it, hope to see you all soon!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Vidya Games! & things

The Murder in the Dark turnout was far greater than I had expected. It was fun playing with everyone, and learning who the ninjas were! That 7 person kill story will be told for years: at least the three more I have.

Anyways, this Thursday we will be having fun staring at shiny screens and pushing buttons, or clicking mice. The Wii and Xbox 360 will be appearifying at the meeting, and I believe Super Smash Bros. Brawl was the most requested item. Any other not-video game items can be brought at request!

In other, other news, I've been itching to do a Nerf event, and I wonder what people, or the people who check this blog, would think about it.

Hope to see everyone soon!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Murder in the Dark

Hey everybody!

Last week's DAGGER was pretty fun, it was nice seeing many new faces; plenty of them arguing over sheep, or spies, or something.

This week, we are going to be holding Murder in the Dark in Soc. Psych. starting at 9 PM The whole building. For anyone who doesn't know, here's something almost exactly like what we'll be playing.

There are some variations which make it more Mafia-like in gameplay, but I assure you it will be awesome. For anyone who thinks otherwise we still have the regular room reserved from 8-11:59 PM.

See you soon!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Welcome New Daggerites!

Activities Fair has ended, and with the fair has come many new people on the listserv! For this week's meeting, we've decided on playing co-operative games like Space Alert and Pandemic to promote that friendly atmosphere! Of course for those of us that are a little more... evil, we are bringing along traitor games, like Betrayal at the House on the Hill and Shadow Hunters. Finally, seeing as there was quite a bit of interest shown during the fair, Settlers of Catan and Caracassonne will be making guest appearances.

I'll see you guys Thursday!