Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Child's Play Charity Tournament

This Saturday, DAGGER will be holding our annual gaming tournament to raise money for Child's Play. The tournaments will be in Von Canon C, and the facebook group can be found here. Registration is $3 on the Bryan Center plaza and $5 at the door per event. We will be tabling out on the BC plaza all week from 11am to 1:30pm. Details for the tournaments below:

Super Smash Brothers Brawl
Start time: 12:00pm
Prizes: 1st place: $10 Sci-fi Genre gift certificate

Starcraft II - 1v1, MLG rules
Prizes: 1st prize $20 Visa Gift card

Magic the Gathering - Innistrad Draft
Additional cost for boosters
Start time: 12:30pm
Prizes: $10 Sci-fi Genre gift certificate for first place

League of Legends: 1v1 Solomid open rules
Start time: 3:00pm
Prizes: 1st place: $20 RP + Triumphant Ryze + Champion Skin Bundle
2nd place: $15 RP
3rd place: $10 RP
4th place: $5 RP

1 comment:

  1. I also second Nicholas that we need to focus on the learning aspect of games rather than the medium, even as the games should focus on fun rather than learning. Teachers at all levels are coming up with more and more creative ways to engage students. Games are another method, which can be incredibly effective teaching mediums when done correctly. texas holdem poker chips
