Wednesday, August 29, 2012

First DAGGER of the New Year!

Hello fellow Daggerites!

So, this blog has lain dormant for far too long, and it is high time someone did something about that. From this day forward, all DAGGER announcements will also be posted on this blog, so check back here for all your DAGGER news, like a meeting this Thursday from 8-12 PM at Social Sciences Rm. 105.

In other news, we'll be trying to get more events out so every meeting isn't just, "Hey guys, let's play board games every week and not much else!" Stephen, David, and I have been brainstorming a few ideas, but we would love any ideas anyone else has for a fun DAGGER event.

So good luck with those dreaded classes, and I'll see you Thursday.

1 comment:

  1. We should have one night be a co-op games night. It can be pure co-op (like Pandemic and Space Alert) or not-so-pure (like Shadows Over Camelot and Betrayal). Alternatively you could do a traitor's night, and have all the games where betrayal is an in-game option.
    And then you need to do online games night.
