Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Card Games on DAGGERcycles

I might've missed last week's theme e-mail, but not this week! This week we are going to play card games of all sorts. Really if most of the game is based around cards it would be a card game. Again, suggestions are welcome.

In additional other news, Helio and John have a surplus of Gatecrash booster packs and are looking for people to run a draft with all the packs. "We're thinking $2.50 per pack, so that would come out to $7.50 per person no prize support (or like $10 per person with 8 packs payout per 8 person pod)." Contact me, contact them, go to DAGGER, all are great options for joining in on this draft.

Anyways, hope to see you guys there!

P.S. We don't actually have DAGGERcycles; although if anyone wanted to donate one, we probably wouldn't turn them down.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know if anyone reads these comments, but we're looking for a 4th player for a weekly Dungeon World (pretty much D&D) that runs on Sundays around 5 PM on campus. Send me an e-mail if you're interested.
