Wednesday, October 17, 2012

New Board Games

We got new games! Three of them to be exact, and here they are:

Smash Up - Fast, and fun. Pick two types of decks, smash them up, and then fight each other for different bases. Expect zombie dinosaurs, robot wizards, alien tricksters, etc.

Seasons - A short card game draft followed by generating a massive hoard of crystals while destroying everyone else's crystals.

Khronos - Time Civilization. Really. It's a bit hard to understand the first time through, but fans of strategy games should love this.

also Thurn and Taxis in a we-don't-own-it-but-we-just-got-it way

Hope everyone had a great Fall Break and is ready for more DAGGER!


  1. Smashup expansion is already in the works. Confirmed 4 new decks:
    Steam Punks
    Bear Cavalry

  2. So when do people start registering for puzzlehunt????????

  3. I know you can register nowwwww you should put up the registration form you liar.
