Thursday, March 4, 2010

Nerf War and Guns - December 5

Before exams started up and we all headed off for winter break, DAGGER had its last meeting of the semester. To end the semester with a Bang! the DAGGER officers decided to hold a Nerf War and Guns night. So we gathered our Nerf guns and headed over to Soc Psych for a Nerf War and various gun-related games.

If you've never done Nerf War, here's a quick summary of how it works. We split into two teams, which went to opposite ends of the building to plan strategy. When both teams were ready, we scattered throughout the building and fought each other to the (Nerf) death.


  1. At the top of the “top 10 best” list of NERF guns 2015, here is the Nerf N-Strike Elite Strongarm Blaster. Prepare yourself for the backyard battle of the centuries! discover this

  2. Nerf N-Strike Elite Strongarm Blaster - A superb collection of Nerf Nstrike Elite Strongarm Blaster from Hamleys. check this link right here now
